


Leoprim Pharmacy at a Glance

We are an independent pharmacy based in Islington, North London. Our aim is to provide exceptional Care and Customer Service to every customer with focus on their Health and Well Being. Our staff is intensively trained to help customers with all aspects of their healthcare needs; from simple over-the-counter advice and medicines to treatments for minor ailments.

Leoprim Pharmacy services include Flu Vaccination, Blood Pressure Monitoring and Emergency Contraception Services. NHS and Private Prescription Dispensing, Medicine Usage Reviews (MURs), Prescription Collection and Delivery Service, Head Lice Management, Minor Ailment Service, Health Advice and Self-care, just to name a few. For a full description of our services please visit our Services page.

We are undertaking patient satisfaction surveys, participating in pharmacy-based Complete our Survey onlineand multidisplinary audits, NHS complaint procedure, national patient safety reporting schemes; having appropriate staffing levels, staff training and development. At Leoprim Pharmacy, we are always trying to provide you with the best possible service. We are asking customers to fill in a short anonymous questionnaire about the service we provide, it will only take a few minutes to complete and you can fill it in using your PC or Mac personal computer, phone, tablet or any other smart device with internet connection. Please help us by completing our online questionnaire. We will use the results of this survey to improve the services we provide. Your views are important to us! Thank you!

Latest News

  • Flu Vaccination

    We offer flu vaccine both private and NHS funded. If you are over the age of 65, have certain medical conditions or you are a front line healthcare staff, you can get your flu vaccine under the NHS flu vaccination programme. Pop in an have any questions answered by our pharmacist. No appointment required as it is a walk in service.
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  • Blood Pressure Monitoring

    At Leoprim Pharmacy, we provide Blood Pressure Monitoring in the privacy of our consultation room. Your result will be explained to you and you will be offered any advice and support needed to manage your blood pressure. If appropriate, we may refer you to your doctor. Our pharmacy team will be happy to discuss any blood pressure concerns you may have.
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